Smile Foundation Kenya pioneered a street children program in Nairobi, Kenya. The program involved, meeting more than 25 street Children. Daily engagement in the program included; Soccer training as a way of lowering drug level in their system, counselling, basic education and skills, attend and treating the street children’s wounds/ first aid and feeding them nutritious foods. The program’s duration was 6 months, from the month of February to the month of July. In August 2015, we started a soccer team “super eagles” made up of 33 streets connected children with the aims of instilling discipline, making personal follow up on the kid’s school and family, keeping the kids off drugs and the 4 streets. This program saw that our program beneficiaries (street kids) were reunited with their families and also, support at the family level was offered in terms of school fees, monthly shopping, and upkeep. More than 50 children have successfully benefited from this initiative.