+254 771 730 531

Programs Engaged

Education Program

2015 Street Children Education Program

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Feeding Program

Smile Foundation Kenya weekly Feeding Program

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Volunteers Programs

Rainbow art with Children in a Kenyan village, We host volunteers and interns from different Nations. In 2014; 6 from Egypt in the month of August, 4 from USA in the month of July and December. In 2015; 21 from Germany in the month of January (comprised of more than 7 nationalities), 1 from Egypt in the month of February, 5 from South Africa in  the month of April (comprised of 3 nationalities). In 2019 We hosted 13 Friends from USA.

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Cycling event

Cycling event with the homeless among other sporting activities in Nairobi Kenya.

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Conflict Resolution Effort

A piece of land was donated to Smile Foundation Kenya after a conflict resolution effort between a business owner and boys living in the streets. The land will house a temporary shelter for the homeless and a kitchen garden to produce food for their consumption.

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Development Program

Street Children Development Program. Program commenced in January 2015 and is still ongoing. We meet Street Children every Tuesday and Thursday in our program.

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Community Service

Estate clean up among other community service and events with the homeless

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Tree planting and Agriculture project

Tree planting and Agriculture project. We plant 20 trees on  a monthly basis.

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Rehabilitation And Training

Street children soccer training and other sporting activities as a form of rehabilitation

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Mentorship and empowerment

Monthly Youth mentorship and empowerment programs in villages, children’s home and orphanages

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